pīrangi - to want, desire
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te hoki ti Taupō.I want to return to Taupō.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Koa ki tēnā aihikirimi.Koa is wanting that icecream by you.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Hana ki tēnā aihikirimi.Hana desires/wants that icecream by you.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana koe ki tēnei tī hāte kōwhai?Are you wanting this yellow t-shirt?Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te āporo rā.I am wanting that apple.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Māui ki tēnā aihikirimi.Māui desires/wants that icecream by you.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I pīrangi a Tau ki te haere hei mema pāremata.Tau wanted to become an MP.Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te pīrangi koe ki te kaputī?Did you want a tea?Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Mai i tōku tamarikitanga pīrangi ai ahau ki te mahi nēhi.Since childhood I have always wanted to be a nurse.Habitual action - ai
Mai i tōku tamarikitanga pīrangi ai au ki te mahi hei nēhi.Since childhood I have always wanted to work as a nurse.Habitual action - ai
Tēnā koe e hoa, e pīrangi ana koe ki te haere ki te tāone hei whakanui i ā tāua mahi?Thanks mate, do you want to go to town to celebrate our work?For the purpose of - hei
Kāore ia i te pīrangi ki tērā waka.She does not want that car.Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au i te pīrangi ki tētehi kai pērā i tēnei ata.I do not want any food like that this morning.Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Ka pīrangi ia ki ngā mea katoa.He wants all the things.Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Me waea mai mēnā e pīrangi ana koe kia tīkina atu.Call me if you need a ride.Conjunctions - if - mēnā
Kīhai i pīrangi tōna whaea ki a ia.His mother did not want him.Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
He aha tō pīrangi hei kai?What do you want to eat?What? - He aha?
He aha tāu e pīrangi ana?What is it that you want?What? - He aha?
He aha tā Hēmi e pīrangi ana?What does Hēmi want?What? - He aha?
He aha tō pirangi hei kaikai?What do you want to eat?What? - He aha?
Kei te pīrangi au ki tēnā pukapuka.I want that book (of yours).That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te pīrangi hoki au i tēnā hāte.I want that shirt too.That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te pīrangi ia ki tērā waka.She wants that car.That (over there) - tērā
Kei te pīrangi au ki te noho i te kāinga o Tawa.I want to live in Tawa's home.
Ka pīrangi au ki te hoko i tēnei pane koti whero.I would like to buy this red skirt.
Auē, te āhua nei e pīrangi ana ia ki te moe.Gosh, he looks like he needs to sleep.
Kei te pīrangi ahau ki te whakakaha i tōku reo Māori.I want to strengthen my Māori language.
He kapu kāwhe tāku e pīrangi ana.I want a cup of coffee.
Kei te pīrangi koe ki te pukapuka?Do you want a book?
Kei te pīrangi kairangi au.I want excellence.
E hia te moni e pīrangi ana koe?How much money do you need?
E pīrangi ana a Manu kia mutu te patu tohorā.Manu wants the killing of whales to stop.
Kei te pīrangi koe ki te parakuihi?Do you want some breakfast?
Kei te pīrangi te tamaiti ki te haere ki te wharepaku.The child wants to go to the toilet.
Kei te pīrangi kai te kōtiro nei.The girl wants to eat.
Kei te pīrangi au ki te hoko i tēnei mō taku pāpā.I want to buy this for my dad.