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Results for 'korā'

korā - over there

kora - fragment; spark

akoranga - thing that is taught or learnt; lesson

kikorangi - blue sky; dark blue

koraha - open country; desert; mud-flats

kōrakorako - fairies

kōrangaranga - ache

kōrapa - cage

kōrapu - flash; shine

akoranga nui - lecture

akoranga whāiti - tutorial

kōrari - flax

korare - leaves of edible vegetables

Me te wai kōrari - Delicious! (literally, as sweet as juice of the flax flower)

Ko wai tērā ki korā?
Who is that over there?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Kei te mahi ngā tāne ki korā
The men are working over there.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te oma te tama ki korā
The boy is running over there.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kaua e pātuhi i te wā o te akoranga.
Don't text during the lesson.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

E ai ki taku koroua, he whare miraka kau e tū ana i korā i ngā rā o mua.
According to my koroua, there was a milking shed over there in the old days.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

He aha te kaupapa o tēnei akoranga?
What's the subject of this lesson?
What? - He aha?

He kikorangi te tae o tēnā.
That colour is blue.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Kei te haere atu ngā tamariki ki korā.
The children are going away over there.
Away - atu

Hei korā ahau.
I will be there.
Future locative - hei

Kāore taua rākau i korā.
That tree is not over there.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Ka oma tātou ki korā, kātahi ka whakatā.
Went ran over there and then rested.
And then... - kātahi ka...

Haere atu ki korā tū ai, kia pai ai tō titiro.
Go over there to stand so you can have a good look.
In order to... - kia... ai...

Me noho ki korā, kaua i konei.
We should go sit over there, not here.
Not with someone, not at a place - kaua i...

Kei korā te kurī.
The dog is over there.

Ki korā
over there (away from both the speaker and listener).

Kei te haere koe ki korā.
You are going over there.

Kei korā te whare hākinakina.
The gym is over there.

Haere kōrua ki korā
you two go over there.

Haere atu ki korā!
Go away over there!

Me te wai korari.
Like the honey of the flax flower (as sweet as honey).

I roto i ngā tau, i tū taku whare ki kora.
In years gone past, my house stood there.

Ko tētahi āhuatanga whakaohorere ki te ākonga reo Māori, ko te akoranga nei, ehara noa te wātū i te "ka".
A common confusion for Māori language learners is that the verb "ka" is not only used for future tense.

Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae kākāriki, i tētahi poraka kōwhai, i tētahi tarau poto me ētahi hū kikorangi hoki.
She is wearing a green hat, yellow jersey, red shorts and blue shoes.

He pango, he kikorangi hoki ōna tōkena.
Her socks are black and blue.

Kei korā te whare paku.
The toilet is over there.

Kei korā te manuwhiri.
The guest is over yonder.

He kikorangi tōna whare.
His house is sky blue.

Kei korā tō paraehe niho.
There's your tooth brush.

I te mutunga o te akoranga, ka tū te arotakenga.
At the end of the lesson an evaluation was done.

He reka te tihi kikorangi.
Blue cheese is sweet.

He kikorangi tana tarau.
His trousers are blue.

Mea mahi ngā poi ki te kōrari.
Poi are made of flax.

Kei te oma te kurī ki korā.
The dog is running over there.

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