Results for 'toro'
I toro au ki ngā hoa.
I visited friends.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I haere au ki to awa ki to hīkoi, i toro auto ki tōku hoa, ā, i kai tahi hoki me tōku whānau.
I went to the river to go walking, I visited my friend and I are together with my family.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Kei toro i te kāpata.
In the cupboard.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
Ka mura te ahi i te rarauhe, mea ake ka toro ki te ngahere.
The fire blazed up in amongst the bracken. In no time at all it had spread to the forest.
All of a sudden - Mea ake
Kua haere koe ki te toro atu i a Ani?
Have you been to visit Ani?
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
E toro mai ana ngā tūī ki te māra.
The tūī are visiting the garden.
I a mātou e hoki mai ana i Pōneke, ka toro atu mātou ki ētahi hoa.
As we were coming back from Wellington, we called in on some friends.