tiaki - to look after, to care for
Ko ā matou kurī ngā toa ki te tiaki hipi.Our dogs are the champion sheep-musterers.Identity sentences - ko...
I tiaki tamariki au.I looked after kids.Simple sentences: past tense - i
Me āta tiaki ō tamariki.Take care of your children.Simple sentences: you should - me
Ki a au te tiaki i ngā mokopuna.I will look after the grandkids.Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?
Ka tiaki te tākuta i āna tūoro.The doctor looks after her patients.Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ko Ani kei te tiaki i ngā tamariki.Ani is looking after her children.
Me tiaki koe i tō tinana.You should look after your body.
He pai a Hera ki te tiaki i ngā tamariki.Hera is good at looking after children.
Kia tūpato, me tiaki tētahi i tētahi.Be careful and look after each other.
Engari ko te painga, he mōhio ia ki te tiaki i te pakeke, i tōna kuia.But on the good side, he's very good at looking after his elders.