Results for 'tungāne'
tungāne - brother, of a female
Ko John te tungāne o Fran.
John is the brother (of a girl) of Fran.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ki te tiki i tō tungane i te pahi.
To pick up your brother from the bus.
Sentences with i - i
He tungāne tōu?
Do you have brothers (to a female)?
Do you have any...? - He... ?
He tungāne ōu?
Do you have any brothers?
Do you have any...? - He... ?
Ko John te tungāne o Elizabeth.
John is the brother (of a girl) of Elizabeth.
Ko Jacob te tungāne o Harnah.
Jacob is the brother (of a girl) of Harnah.
Ko Andrew te tungāne o Kayte.
Andrew is the brother (of a girl) of Kayte.
Ko Brian te tungāne o Val.
Brian is the brother (of a girl) of Val.
Ko Nikau te tungāne o Moana.
Nikau is the brother of Moana.
Ko te tungāne o Ngaire ia.
He is Ngaire's brother.
Ko Tīpene te tungāne o Sally.
Tīpene is sally's brother.
Āe, he tungāne tōku, ko Taika tōna ingoa.
I do have a brother, his name is Taika.
Āe, he tungāne ōku, ko Hēmi, ko Manu ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I do have brothers, their names are Hēmi and Manu.
Āe, he tungāne ōku, ko Amaru, ko Niko, ko Ari ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I do have brothers, their names are Amaru, Niko and Ari.