tere - to flow, float, move quickly; fast
Me tere a Tipi.Tipi should be quick.Simple sentences: you should - me
Kia tere te tīmata.Start quickly.Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia
Kia tere mai!Hurry up!Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia
Kia tere ake tō oma.Run faster.Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia
Kia tere, kei mahue koe i te pahi.Be quick, or you will miss the bus.Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia tere kei tūreiti tāua.Hurry up so we're not late.Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Mā runga waka tere ahau haere ai.I travelled by ferry.Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kia tino tere haere ai.So that it should go very quickly.So that something can happen for someone else - kia
I tere oti te mahi.The work was completed quickly.Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...
Te tere hoki o tērā motopaika!How fast that motorbike is!That (over there) - tērā
Ki te tae mai a Haki mā, ka tere oti ngā mahi.If Haki and the others arrive, then the work will be.Towards - mai
Te tere hoki o tēnei motokā!How fast this car is!How... - Te... hoki...
Te tere hoki o tō motukā!How fast your car is!How... - Te... hoki...
He tere ake taku motokā t tōu.My car is faster than yours.Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
Tōna tere hoki.How fast she is.How... - tō... hoki
He tere te motukā.Cars are fast.
Kia tere te oma!Run fast!
Wē! Te tere hoki o tōna motukā.Wou! How fast his car is!
Kia tere te kai.Eat quickly.
Kia tere te whakaoti i ā koutou tuhinga roa!Finish your essays quickly!
Kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahi.May the shimmer of light guide you on your way.
He tere ia.She is fast.
He tere a Taika ki te hīkoi, ki te omaoma hoki.Taika is fast at walking and running.
He tere ake a Mere i a Hāmi ki te omaoma.Mary's faster than Sam at running.
Tino tere te poti ki te haere.The boat is very fast.