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Results for 'ōku'

ōku - mine, plural, ō category possession

Ko ōku hoa kei waho!
It's my friends outside.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku hungawai.
Hone and Rāhera are my parents-in-law.
Identity sentences - ko...

Kei te whakaaro au ki ōku tīpuna.
I am thinking of my ancestors.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te whakaaro au ki ōku mātoua tūpuna.
I am thinking about my ancestors.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E tatari ana au ki te rārangi kia hoko ai i ōku .
I am waiting in the queue to pay for my shoes.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I te mātakitaki au i te kiriata me ōku hoa.
I was watching the movie with my friends.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Ka kite au i ōku hoa ki te kura.
I will see my friends at school.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Kua tango au i ōku .
I have removed my shoes.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kotirangi Ingarangi hoki ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland and England.
Belonging to a place - nō

Kotirangi ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland.
Belonging to a place - nō

Kotirangi Ingarangi hoki ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland and England.
Belonging to a place - nō

Kei waho ōku hoa i te kūaha.
My friends are outside the door.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

I herua ōku makawe.
My hair was combed.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I herua ōku makawe e tōku hoa.
My hair was combed by my friend.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei waho ōku hoa.
My friends are outside.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Ko Amaru rāua ko Mia ōku hungarei.
Amaru and Mia are my inlaws.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua ngaro ōku whenua katoa.
All my lands are lost.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Teremoana rāua ko Tania ōku tuakana.
Teremoana and Tania are my older sisters.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Kāore ōku tuākana.
I don't have any older siblings.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Tokoono mātou, ko ōku mātua, me ōku tuākana.
There are six of us, my parents and my older sisters.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Ko Rāwinia rāua ko Tia ōku tēina.
Rāwinia and Tia are my younger sisters.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina

Kāore ōku tēina.
I don't have younger siblings.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina

Āe, tokorua ōku tungāne, tokorima ōku tēina.
Yes, I have two brothers and five younger sisters.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina

Kāore ōku waka.
I don’t have any cars.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ōku whare.
I don’t have any houses.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ōku tuāhine.
I don't have sisters.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ōku tungāne.
I don't have brothers.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ōku tungāne, he wāhine katoa mātou ngā tamariki.
I don't have any brothers, all of the children are female.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore au i te mātakitaki i te kiriata me ōku hoa.
I was not watching the movie with my friends.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...

Ko Rāhera rāua ko Hone ōku tūpuna.
Rāhera and Hone are my ancestors.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Rongomai rāua ko Moana ōku mātua.
Rongomai and Moana are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Brian rāua ko Fran ōku mātua.
Brian and Fran are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Tai rāua ko Moana ngā ingoa o ōku hoa.
The names of my friends are Tai and Moana.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Piripi rāua ko Miriama ōku mātua.
Piripi and Miriama are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Barry rāua ko Lynne ōku mātua.
Barry and Lynne are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Ani rāua ko Kauri ōku tuāhine.
Ani and Kauri are my sisters.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Mātou ko ōku hoa.
My friends and I.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Sally rāua ko Tīmoti ōku mātua.
My parents are Sally and Timoti.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Brian rāua ko Fran ōku mātua
Brian and Fran are my parents
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Flo rāua ko Rāwiri ōku kaumātua.
Flo and Rāwiri are my grandparents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku mātua.
Hone and Rāhera are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Rāwiri rāua ko Tūmanako ōku tungāne.
Rāwiri and Tūmanako are my brothers.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku mātua
Hone and Rāhera are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Rāwiri rāua ko Tūmanako ōku taokete.
Rāwiri and Tūmanako are my twins.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Tokorua ōku tuākana.
I have two older siblings (of the same gender as me).
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

Ehara ōku tūpuna Kotirangi, Ingarangi hoki.
My ancestors are not from Scotland or England.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

I ōku tuāhine e horoi ana i ngā rīhi, ka moe ahau.
While my sisters were washing the dishes, I was sleeping.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

Kei te hoki ōku whakaaro ki ngā o mua.
My thoughts are going back to the past.

Ko ōku whanaunga!
It's my relations!

Kei te haere ahau ki te hokomaha hoko ai i te kai ōku mātua.
I am going to the supermarket to buy food for my parents.

E rua tekau tahi ōku tau.
I'm twenty one years old.

Mirimiria ōku pokohiwi.
Massage my shoulders.

Ko Raima rātou ko Tanira, ko Aniwa ōku tuāhine.
Raima, Tanira and Aniwa are my sisters.

Homai ōku heru!
Give me my combs!

Kei hea ōku tarau?
Where are my trousers?

Kei te kāinga ōku kamupūtu.
My gumboots are at home.

Ko Moana taku taokete, he tino pai ia. Koia kei te āwhina mai i ōku mātua i ia rangi, i ia rangi.
Moana is my sister in law, she is great. She helps my parents everyday.

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