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Results for 'tika'

tika - to be right, correct, straight, in order

Kei te tika tāu whakautu.
Your answer is correct.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E tika ana te kōrero.
The statement is correct.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tika ana me ki te mihi atu ki a koe.
It is appropriate to stand and acknowledge you..
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tika ana kia mihi au ki a koe me whānau i tēnei pōuri.
It is appropriate for me to greet you and your family at this sad time.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

Kua tika katoa kai me ngā mīti atu.
All the food, including the meat, should be ready now.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me mihi ka tika ki a koe.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mihi ka tika ki a kōrua.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you both.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mihi ka tika ki a koutou.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you people.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Kia tika āu raina.
Make your lines straight.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia tika te mahi, kei panaia koe.
Make sure your work is good or else you'll get fired!
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Kia ahatia. Ka hoki mai tēnā pōtae ā tōna anō e tika ana.
No worries/it's all good. That hat will return when the times is right.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

I ngā huihuinga ka noho mai ia tika tonu mai i ahau.
He sits opposite me in meetings.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Kāore e taea te taraiwa kia tika me te pātuhi anō.
You can't drive properly whilst at the same time texting.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia

muri ka tika a mua.
The front will be OK because of the back.

Ki a ia, kāore e tika kia whakatūria he whare moni ki Whakatipua.
In his opinion, a casino should not be established in Queenstown.

Kia tika hoki te kōrero, e tama.
Let the talk be correct, son.

He tika tāu, e Pāora, hoki ora atu ki kāinga.
You're right, Pāora, safe travels home.

Kia tika te mahi.
Be good.

Ko tāu mahi, he hono i te rerenga ki tana whakamārama tika (tuhinga reo Ingarihi).
Your task is to connect the sentence to its correct translation (English language text).

Kia tika te noho, e te tau.
Sit properly, my darling.

He tika ia.
He is correct.

He tika tāu.
You are right. (Yours is correct.)

Kei te tika tēnei?
Is this correct?

Kia tika te noho e tama.
Sit properly, son.

Ko te tika tony tēnei.
This is certainly the correct night.

He tika tāu!
You're right!

Kia tika a muri, kia tika a mua.
If things out the back are going well, things out the front will go well.

Āe, he tika tāu, ka haere i nāianei.
Yes, you are right, I'll go now.

Ko rātou whare tika tonu ki tērā taha.
Their house is opposite.

E hoa, he tika kupu.
Friend, your words are true.

Kāore e taea te taraiwa tika me te kai hamupaka anō.
You can't drive properly whilst at the same time eating a hamburger.

He tika te a tātou ariki, te kōtiro nei i pai mai ki a Ponga, kāti me āwhina e tātou.
The words of our leader are just; because this girl loves Ponga, we should support her.

Ka tika hoki! Tokohia kei whānau?
That's right! How many in your family?

He tika te rahi mōku.
The size is correct for me.

Ko te tohu tērā i tika atu ai ia ki Waikimihia.
This was the sign that led her straight to Waikimihia.

Kei te tika tēnei kōrero?
Is this correct?

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