Results for 'rā'
rā - day; the sun; over there
Te tokorima a Māui - “The five of Māui” – a reference to one’s fingers. If an apology is made for the lack of cutlery, one might say “Hei aha i okorima a Māui” It does not matter. Leave it to the five of Māui.
Ko wai rā kei te tapahi i te mīti?
Who is chopping the meat?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
E haere mai ana te ope rā ki runga i te marae.
That group over there is coming onto the marae.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E whiti ana te rā ki Kaikohe.
The sun is shining in Kaikohe.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E haka ana te iwi whenua rā i te haka.
The local people were performing the haka.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I ngā rā o mua, mā te hōiho kē te moua e tō.
In former times, a horse pulled the mower instead.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te whakarongo mātou ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were listening to the song at the birthday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te tākaro ngā tamariki i te pāmu i te rā wera
The children were playing at the farm on the hot day.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te kaha o te rā ki to whiti, ka pōngia iho ahau.
The sun was so bright I had to close my eyes.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka whiti te rā ki Kaitaia āpōpō.
The sun will shine in Kaitaia tomorrow.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka wehe atu te hunga rā ākuanei.
That group of people (over there) will leave soon.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Maranga mai ai au ia rā, ia rā i te whitu karaka.
I always get up every day at seven o'clock.
Habitual action - ai
Inu ai au i te waipiro ia rā ia rā.
I always drink alcohol every day.
Habitual action - ai
Mahi ai au, ia te rā, ia te rā, hāunga anō ko ngā Rātapu.
I work regularly, every day except on Sundays.
Habitual action - ai
Oma ai a Pāora ki te mahi i ngā rā katoa.
Pāora always runs to work every day.
Habitual action - ai
Pēnei au ka whiti mai te rā - engari anō!
I thought the sun would shine. Not so!
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
He aha te mahi a Tainui i te rā nei?
What is Tainui doing today?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
He aha te mahi a te pēpi i te rā nei?
What is the baby doing today?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
Kia ahatia, he rā anō āpōpō.
It's all good, there's another day tomorrow.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Nō te Kirihimete rā ka hoki mai ia ki Te Kao.
She returned to Te Kao at Christmas.
Belonging to the past - nō
Māu te rā e whakarite.
You will plan the day.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā Kauri a Ari e āwhina i te rā nei.
Kauri will support Ari today.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
E apu kai ana ānō nei kāore e ara te rā āpōpō.
He was stuffing food into his mouth like there was no tomorrow.
It was as if - ānō nei
I hokona ngā rare rā e ia i taina hi.
Those lollies were purchased by her yesterday.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Mahia ai tēnei mahi i ngā rā omua.
This work was carried out in former times.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I ngā rā o mua, kāore tēnei mahi e mahia ana e ngā Māori o Te Kaha.
Formerly, this activity was not performed by the Māori people of Te Kaha.
Passive sentences - tikina...
E ai ki taku koroua, he whare miraka kau e tū ana i korā i ngā rā o mua.
According to my koroua, there was a milking shed over there in the old days.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
Ka rere ngā wakarererangi i runga ake i taku whare i ngā rā katoa.
Planes fly over my house every day.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
Ko te Rāhoroi te rā pai hei haerenga ki Pōneke.
Saturday is the best day for going to Wellington.
For the purpose of - hei
Ka tunu keke ia hei whakanui i tōku rā huritau.
She will bake a cake in order to celebrate my birthday.
For the purpose of - hei
Kāre anō te rā kia tō.
The sun has not set yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Ākuanei te waha horihori rā i a au.
That lying so'n'so had better watch it.
You’d better watch it! - Ākuanei!
Ka mahue a Puhihuia i te taha o te tangata i a ia rā te patu pounamu.
Puhihuia was left beside the man who had the greenstone weapon.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...
Ka māharahara te rōpā rā ki te mate whakamomori o tana ariki.
That slave was anxious that his master might commit suicide.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka puta te iwi rā i te pā.
The tribe emerged from the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka puta taua tini rā ki waho o te pā.
That group went out of the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka hokona e ua te koti rā mō te whā rau tāra.
She bought that coat for four hundred dollars.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka hoki te kōrero ki a Hotu i ruku rā i te punga o tō rāua waka.
The story returns to Hotu who had dived for the anchor of their canoe.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mau anō te kōtiro rā i te ipu.
That girl picked up the calabash again.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rite i te tokomaha te whakataāe te rā hei hokinga mō rātou.
The many young people reached agreement on the day for their return.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka noho ia i tētahi rākau e noho rā he tāngata i raro.
[He] came to rest in a tree under which some people sat.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka hoki te ope rā ki tana pā.
That group returned to its pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka tae te ope rā ki ā rātou mea i mahia mai rā i Āwhitu.
The group took their things which had been made in Āwhitu.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka hoki ake anō te kotiro rā ki te pā.
The girl returned once more to the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mea atu te kotiro rā ki tana whaea...
That girl said to her mother...
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka patua taua kai rā e ia ki te manga o te kawakawa.
He struck that food with the branch of the kawakawa.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Nei rā te mihi ki a kōrua.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you both.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Ngā mihi nui mō te Rā o te Whaea.
Happy Mother's day.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Ko tēhea rā o te marama tēnei?
Which day of the month is this?
Which - Ko tēhea?
Ko tēhea rā o te wiki tēnei?
Which day of the week is this?
Which - Ko tēhea?
Kāore mātou i te whakarongo ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were not listening to the song at the birthday.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Kāore ngā tamariki i te tākaro i te pāmu i te rā wera.
The children were not playing at the farm on the hot day.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Whātuia iho a runga o te kākahu kotahi e mau rā i a ia.
The top of the garment she wore was folded down.
Down - iho
Ko te rā tuatahi o te hararei āpōpō.
It's the first day of the holiday tomorrow.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Ko Puhihuia te noho mai rā i roto o taua iwi te titiro mai rā ki a Ponga.
Puhihuia was sitting amongst those people watching Ponga.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kaua e waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Don't leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Ehara māu te rā e whakarite.
You won’t plan the day.
Negating the future agent emphatic - ehara mā..
Mehemea ka whiti te rā, ka haere mātou ki tātahi.
If the sun shines we will go to the beach.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā
A kōrero ana rāua mō te rā e haere ai rāua.
And they talked about the day when they would leave.
About someone - mōku, mōu, mōna...
Ki te whiti te rā āpōpō, ka haere tātau ki tātahi.
If the sun shines tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
If using ki - ki
Kātahi ka mahara te koroheke rā ki te nuinga o tōna pai.
Then then old man began to thing about his abundant good fortune.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Ki te kore te rā e whiti āpōpō, kāore tātau e haere.
If the sun does not shine tomorrow, we won't go.
If not... - ki te kore...
He rā makariri tēnei.
Today is a cold day.
He rā mokopuna.
A fine winter's day.
I tēnei rā ka pai te kai.
Today the food is good.
He rā mōmōhanga.
A fine winter's day.
Kua titiro mai te iwi rā ki a ia.
The tribe had been looking at her.
Tēnā rā koe.
Thank you.
Tēnā rā kōrua.
Thank you both.
Tēnā rā koutou.
Thank you people (3+).
He rā tino pai tēnei, he rā hararei!
This is a very good day - a holiday!
Ko te waka kākāriki ra tō mātou.
Ours is that green car.
Ka hokona e ia te kurī rā mō te rua rau tāra.
He sold that dog for two hundred dollars.
Nei rā te mihi ki a koe.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you.
Nei rā te mihi ki a koutou.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you people.
Kia ora rā koe.
Cheers to you.
Kia ora rā kōrua.
Cheers to you two.
Kia ora rā koutou.
Cheers to you three or more people.
Mā reira pea te matua o to kōtiro rā ka rongo ai ki tō reo.
Perhaps as a result, the girl's mother will hear you calling.
Puta kau anō te kōtiro rā me te rama kāpara i te ringa.
That girl went out alone with hardwood torch in her hand.,.
Ka pēhi i te tahā rā ki roto i te wai.
She dipped the gourd into the water.
Tēnā rā koe e koro.
Hello elder.
I rā uta mai rātou.
They came by way of the shore.
He rā nui tēnei rā.
Today is a great day.
Kei hea rā tērā wahine koi?
Where is that sharp woman?
Nei rā te reo mihi ki te mana whenua.
Here is my greeting to the people.
E ea ana te koti rā mō te ono rau tāra.
That dollar is worth six hundred dollars.
Ka rite i te tokomaha te whakaāe te rā hei hokinga mō rātou.
The many people reached agreement on the day for their return.
Haere rā e ipo!
See you later darling!
Kia koa tō rā whānau.
Have a good birthday.
Ka oti i a koe te mahi nā i te rā nei?
Will you finish that job today?
Ngā mihi rā i tō rā whānau.
Wishing you a happy birthday.
Ngā mihi nui mō te Rā o te Pāpā.
Happy Father's day.
Nā taua wai rā i kawe rā i kitea ai te whakaaro a Ponga ki a au.
Because of that water that was fetched, Ponga's feelings towards me were discovered.
Ngā mihi rā ki a kōrua.
Congratulations to you both.
He rā anō āpōpō.
It's another day tomorrow.
I mea atu rā hoki ahau ki a koe kua whakapuaretia e ia te kēti ki a tātou.
I told you he would open the gate for us.
Kei te tākaro koe i ēnei rā whakatā?
Are you playing sports this weekend?
Koia rā e koro!
That it, grandad!
Ko tō te iwi rā i ana waka.
That tribe pulled its canoes.
Ka wani kē! He mīharo! Kātahi rā te ingoa pai ko tērā.
Wicked! Amazing! That is a good name.
Pērā tonu i ngā rā katoa, i ngā pō hoki e te iwi.
The tribe did that by day and at night.
Kātahi rā ka pēhia ki tētahi taha, ki tētahi taha.
Then [she] turned [her head] from side to side.
Ka rūpeke noa rātou ki waenga o te marae e nohoia rā e te manuhiri.
They all gathered together in the middle of the marae where the visitors were sitting.
Nāwai rā i pai te tiki, kua kino.
For some time, all went well with the fetching, then it got bad.
He rā paki.
A fine day.
Kaua rā e wahangū.
Keep not silent.
Ko te 31 o Hōngongoi te rā kati ai ngā tono mai.
The 31st of July is the deadline for requests.
He mea tino rahi te whakatūtūranga a te Rā o Waitangi.
The demonstration on Waitangi Day will be a big one.
Pērā tonu i ngā rā katoa, i ngā pō hoki, e te iwi.
The tribe did this every day, and at night too.
He roa rawa atu te tangata rā me Hata.
The man with Hata is very tall.
I te Hōngongoi rā ka haere te whānau o ngā Jones.
The Jones family left in July.
He whakahaere wānanga te mahi a te ratonga hauora Māori tūmatanui, a Hāpai Te Hauora ki Rotorua i tēnei rā ki te kōkiri i te kaupapa me te whakaaro, mā te reo hoki e ora ake ai ngā hapori.
Today Māori public health provider Hāpai Te Hauora hosted a symposium in Rotorua to advance the idea and says this could also be a factor in creating healthier communities.
Koia rā e Rongo, whakairia ake ki runga.
Rongo, suspended high above.
he rā hou tēnei
today is a new day
He rā pai tēnei.
Today is a good day.
He rā wera tēnei.
Today is a hot day.