Results for 'tāna'
tāna - his, her, ā category possession, singular
tana - his/her (neutral category); ton
Ko tēnei he tekau tana taraka.
This is a ten ton truck.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko wai kei roto i tana motukā?
Who is in her car?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ko wai tana ingoa?
What's her name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Kei te titiro taua ngeru ki tāna kai.
That cat is looking at his meal.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E kimi ana a Manu i tāna waea pūkoro.
Manu is searching for his cell phone.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E kaingākau ana ia ki tana mokopuna ki a Tīwana.
She is very fond of her grandchild, Tīwana.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E whakamutu ana ia i tana horonga.
She is finishing the washing.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E kimi ana a Manu i tāna waea pūkoro.
Manu is searching for his cell phone.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I hoatu a Mere i te keke ki tana tama.
Mary gave the cake to her son.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I pai tāna waita.
His singing was good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Kua mutu tana mahi whakareri i ngā kai.
He has finished preparing the food.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua toto tana ihu.
His nose has started bleeding.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kei te rapu tā mātou ngeru i tāna kai.
Our cat is searching for his food.
Sentences with i - i
He rite tāna aromatawai ki tāku.
His assignment is similar to mine.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He aha tāna e mahi ana?
What is it that s/he is working on?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
Hei aha tāna kōrero.
Never mind what he is saying.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Hei aha a Manu, he hīanga tana mahi.
Never mind Manu, he's up to mischief.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Nō muri i tana hinganga i te pōtitanga, ka rihaina ia.
After his defeat in the election, he resigned.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō muri mai ka whakamā ia i tāna mahi.
Afterwards she felt embarrassed by what she had done.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō mua tata atu i tōna matenga, ka puta tana ōhākī ki tana whānau.
Shortly before his passing, he made his dying speech to his whānau.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō hea tana pāpā?
Where's his dad from?
Belonging to a place - nō
Nā tana rōpā i whakanoi he kai māna.
His slave hung some food up for him.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mō Pāora rāua ko tana tama.
For Pāora and his son.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Mā tana hoa rāua e kawe ki te mahi.
Her friend will take them to work.
Future agent emphatic - māku
E kaha ana tāna tohutohu i a mātou ānō nei ko ia te kuīni o te kīhini.
She was telling us all what to do like she was the queen of the kitchen.
It was as if - ānō nei
E pararē ana ia ānō nei kua whati tana waewae.
She was screaming as is if her leg was broken.
It was as if - ānō nei
E kaha tohutohu mai ana ia ānō nei ko au tana mōkai.
He was ordering me around as if I was his servant.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kei waenganui tana matua i ngā manuhiri.
Her/his father is in the middle of the visitors.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kei tana hoa a Nikau.
Nikau is with his friend.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Ka haere ia mā runga i tana motukā.
She went by her car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
I whāngaihia te tamaiti e tana kuia.
The child was adopted by his grandmother.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua kimihia tāna waea pūkoro i ngā wāhi katoa.
His cell phone has been searched for everywhere.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Muri iho ka whakaarahia e ia ōna hoa koroheke o roto i te whare ki te mātakitaki ki te ātaahuatanga o tana wahine.
Afterwars, his old cronies in the house were roused by him to gaze at the beauty of his wife.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ke tukuna e Wairangi tana taurekareka ki a Pare-whete.
His servant was sent by Wairangi to Para-whete.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I runga i te paruone ka mahia e ia he raina mai i te kēti ki te whare ki tana rākau.
He drew a line in the dirt from the gate to the house with his stick.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka kuhu a Hine i ana kākahu papai, ka haere ai ki te tūtaki ki tana hoa i te tāone.
Hine put on her good clothes, and then went to meet her friend in town.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Nō hea i uia te pono o ngā kōrero i tana CV.
The truth of what he put in his CV was never questioned.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Nō hea i uia te pono o ngā kōrero i tana whārangi pukumata.
The truth of what she put on her facebook page was never questioned.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Kāore e kore te whakaaetia o tana tono.
Her request will almost certainly be granted.
Certainly, almost certainly, no doubt - Kāore e kore
I kohikohi ia i te kawakawa hei rongoā mō te māuiui o tāna tama.
He collected kawakawa as a cure for his son's illness.
For the purpose of - hei
Tērā pea he Hāmoa tana hoa. Ki a au nei he Hāmoa te āhua.
Maybe her mate's Samoan. He looks Samoan to me.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Kua whakahokia atu tana raihana, kua āhei anō ia te taraiwa.
He's got his license back, so he's allowed to drive again.
Allowed to do something - āhei
Kāore tā mātou ngeru i te tatari ki tāna kai.
Our cat is not waiting for his food.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore ia i pānui i tāna mahi-ā-kāinga.
He didn't read his homework.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Kāore ia i pānui i tāna mahi-ā-kāinga.
He didn't read his homework.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Ka māharahara te rōpā rā ki te mate whakamomori o tana ariki.
That slave was anxious that his master might commit suicide.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka karanga ki tana rōpā ki te wai ki a ia.
He called to his slave to get water for him.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka hoki te ope rā ki tana pā.
That group returned to its pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mea atu te kotiro rā ki tana whaea...
That girl said to her mother...
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rongo tana whaea i tana ui ki te hinu rautangi.
His mother listened to his question about scented oil.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mau ki tana mere pounamu, ke hoatu ki te tamaiti ariki o taua ope nei.
[He] took his greenstone mere and gave it to the young leader of this group.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore ia e ū ki tāna kupu.
She doesn't do what she says she'll do.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
He maroke tana kōrero.
His speech was dry.
Categorizing sentences - he
He kerei tana hāte.
His shirt is grey.
Categorizing sentences - he
I whāia ia tāna hōiho ki te awa.
He chased his horse to the river.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Ka rere atu tāna tama ki a Koa.
Koa's son rushed off to him.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
E aroha ana te whaea ki tāna tamaiti.
The mother loves her child.
He tangata aroha nui a Hone ki tana mokopuna a Riripeti.
Hone is a man who greatly loves his granddaughter Riripeti.
Kei te aroha te whaea ki tāna tamaiti.
The mother loves her child.
Tīmata ana ki te raranga i tana kete harakeke.
She is starting to make a flax kit.
Verbs that take 'i' (kite, etc) - i
Ko Hata tāna tāne.
Hata is her husband.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
I te tuatahi, kāore te wahine i mahara ki tāna mātāmua.
AT first, the woman did not recognise her first-born.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
He kino tāna kōrero.
What he says is bad.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Rua rau taara tāna utu.
His pay is two hundred dollars.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ka pai ia ki tāna pāi.
He likes his beer.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ka kite mātou i tāna kāhui kuihi.
We saw his flock of geese.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Kāore tō tāua matua i haere ki tāna hui.
Our father did not go to his meeting.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore anō kia kitea e ia tāna tamāhine.
He has not yet found his daughter.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
He ātaahua te ingoa o tō whaea. E hia tana pakeke?
Your mum's name is beautiful. How old is she?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
He mea ui e ia ki tana whaea te mahi e mahia au aua tū mea nei.
The method by which these kind of things were made was something he asked his mother.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
E whai ana a Ari i tana teina.
Ari chases his brother.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
Kei te mekemeke te kōtiro i tana teina.
The girl is punching her sister.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
Ko tāna pene tēnā kei tōu taha.
That's her pen beside you.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Ko Rāwiri rātou ko Tūmanako, ko Rongomai, me tana tāne a Moana, aku mokopuna.
Rāwiri, Tūmanako, Rongomai, and Moana, her husband, are my grandchildren.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Kua tūtaki au ki a Niko rāua ko tana hoa wahine, ko Ataahua.
I have met Niko and his girlfriend, Ataahua.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Te rongonga atu o Amaru i te kōrero a tana tuahine...
When Amaru heard what his sister said...
Away - atu
Tae atu a Ponga ki tana taha.
Ponga reached her side.
Away - atu
Ka rere iho te tīwaiwaka, rere iho hoki tana hoa.
The fantail flew down, and so did her mate.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...
Kua wareware i a au tana ingoa.
I have forgotten his name.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua whati tana waewae i tāna takahanga.
His leg was broken by his fall.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua ngaro i a Mere tana pēke.
Mere has lost her bag. (Her bag has been lost by Mere.)
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
I a Mere e whakatā ana, ka mātaki tana hoa i te poiwhana.
While Mere was resting, her friend was watching the football.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...
He tamāhine hou tāna kātahi anō ka whānau mai.
She has a new daughter than has just been born.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
He kaha ake tērā tama i tāna tama.
That boy is stronger than his boy.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
Kātahi ka whiua e ia tāna mōkai ki te moana.
Then she threw her baby into the sea.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Kāore tāna he kī?
Does he/she not have a key?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
I rongo koe i tana kōrero?
Have you heard what he said.
Kei te horoi ia tana kurī.
She is washing her dog.
Kei te tino mamae tana tinana.
His body is very sore.
Mā reira pea a ia ka tono ai i tana kōtiro ki te kawe wai māu.
Perhaps she will order her daughter to fetch water for you.
Māna e whakapiko te ara o te ika ki tāna wāhi e hiahia ai.
He could make a fish go wherever he wanted.
Kei te pupuri i tana waewae.
He is holding his leg.
Tere tana oma ki runga i tētahi toka.
He ran quickly to the top of a rock.
Kei te patu ia i tana kurī.
She is beating her dog.
Kei te patua e ia tana kurī.
Her dog is beaten by her.
Whakautua ana e Kura ki tana matua.
Kura answered her father.
Kua mutu tana horoi
His wash is finished
He kuia kaha ki te kōrero i ngā mahi o tana tamarikitanga.
She is an elderly woman who is good at talking about her childhood.
E hia tana pakeke?
How old is he?
Ka tapa au i tana ingoa ko Huia.
I name this child Huia.
He mā tana motokā.
Her car is white.
E hia ngā tau o tana mokopuna?
How old is her grandchild?
He wharau mō tōna kuia tāna e mahi ana.
She is working on a shed for her kuia.
Ke mea mai ia, ka pai tana kaiako ki te waiata.
He says that his teacher is good at singing.
Ko tāu mahi, he hono i te rerenga ki tana whakamārama tika (tuhinga reo Ingarihi).
Your task is to connect the sentence to its correct translation (English language text).
He kaha a Tīwana ki tana whiu pātai nanakia me te whakapātaritari i tōna tuahine me tōna kuikui.
Tīwana is good at asking tricky questions and teasing her sister and grandmother.
I kōrero te koroua ki tāna tahu.
The old man spoke to his love.
I hea tana koti?
Where was her coat?
Kei hea tana koti?
Where is her coat?
Āwhea a Niko hoko ai i tana pahikara hou?
When is Niko buying his new bike?
Āwhea hoko ai a Kauri i tana pahikara hou?
When is Kauri buying his new bike?
Tekau mā waru te pakeke o tana tungāne.
Her brother is 18.
E kore e roa kua tīmata ki te raranga i tana kete.
It will not be long before she has started to make her kit.
I tōna tikanga ko Pita tana ingoa.
It is her intention that his name will be Peter.
Ka oma a Amaru ki tana motuka.
Amaru runs to her car.
Ko tana tungāne.
Her brother.
Tokomaha kei roto i tana whānau.
There are heaps in her family.
E hoa e, ko tana kurī!
Jees mate, it's her dog!
Ko te tūmahi poro, te tūmahi whiti-kore, he tūmahi ka tū me tana kotahi.
Intransitive verbs, intransitive verbs, verbs...
Nā te mea kua whara tana waewae.
Because his leg is injured.
I whakamā ia i tana kaha pōrangi.
He was ashamed that he had been so stupid.
Nā tana kaha whai i tana hiakai, ka ea.
Because he pursued his goal so intently, he was successful.
He pai tāna kōrero.
Her talk was good.
Ko te tikanga tēnei o tana hakiraratanga i a ia.
This is the way he insulted her.
Pango tonu tana kanohi i te paru.
His face is all black with dirt.
Nō muri mai ka whakamā a Mia i tāna mahi.
Afterwards Mia felt embarrased about what she'd done.
Kei te mitimiti ia i tana kanohi.
He is licking his face.
Ko au tāna tino mokopuna.
I'm her favourite grandchild.
Ka tuhi ia ki tana hoa.
He wrote to his friend.
I mua rā, ko tana mahi hoki he puhipuhi pūkeko.
He used to shoot pūkeko.
Kei tana rūma ia.
He's in his room.
Ka moe a Hera i tana tāne a te Āranga.
Hera is to marry her man at Easter.
He pai rāua ko tana hoa ki te waiata.
She and her friend are good singers.
I hoatu ahau i te m257;ripi ki tana hoa m257; Hone.
I gave the knife to John's friend for John.
I rere atu te manu ki tana kohanga.
The bird flew away to its nest.
I hoatu a Mere i te keke mā tana tama.
Mary gave the cake to her son.
Kei te tū tāna irāmutu i runga i tōku kākahu mā.
His nephew is standing on my clean dress.
He māwhero tana hāte.
His shirt is pink.
Kei te hē rawa atu tāna kōrero.
What he says is completely mistaken.
He ātaahua tana kaka.
Her dress is beautiful.
He kikorangi tana tarau.
His trousers are blue.
Mā tēnā, mā tēnā o koutou tāna ake tuhinga e tuku mai.
Each of you must submit his/her own essay.
He parauri tana koti.
His coat is brown.
He kōwhai tana pōtae.
Her hat is yellow.
Kei te hanga te pūngāwerewere i tana māwhaiwhai ki te hopu i ngā ngaro.
The spider is building its web to catch flies.
E kōrero ana tō kōutou rangatira ki tāna tamaiti.
Your chief is talking to his child.
Ke tohu atu ia ki te reke o tana taiaha.
He pointed with the butt of his taiaha.
Ko tana huritau a te Kirihimete.
Her birthday is at Christmas.
Kei hea tāna pereti?
Where is his plate?
Ko te kōha tēnei a Wairangi ki tana wahine.
This was Wairangi's gift to his wife.
He whakaako tana mahi i ngā tamariki o te kura o Te Kaha ki te tao kai.
Her job was to teach cooking to the children of the Te Kaha school.